The extension discover feature fetches its data from
To add your extension in the store,

  • Fork moosync-exts repository from Github

  • Clone your forked repo

    git clone<your-username>/moosync-exts
  • Create a new directory inside the cloned repository. The name of the directory should be the displayName of your extension

  • Inside the newly created directory, create a new file called extension.yml

    name: Display name of your extension
    description: Description of your extension
    url: URL to your github repository or a readme
    logo: URL to logo or path relative to extension.yml
    packageName: Package name of your extension
      url: Direct download URL for the latest version
      version: Latest version number in semver format (eg. 1.0.0)
  • Create a pull request

Please drop a message on our Discord if your pull request is not merged.